Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Capture life 365–week 45

week 44 19Chocolate chip cookie goodness in the making - thanks to friends from the U.S bringing us chocolate chips along with a bunch of other treats including Reeces peanut butter cups in their bid to win us over. While I still think it’s wrong to combine chocolate with peanuts, they weren’t as bad as I thought! I may have even almost enjoyed them.week 44 22week 45 22Riana does an amazing job juggling schoolwork and helping with the early learning program (as well as keeping her nails looking gorgeous!) Cuddles with this wee chubba are a highlight of her day! week 45 25…and hanging out with these two characters always means a bunch of laughs!

week 45 27We had a little sewerage issue this week. It’s aroma filled the house. Again. Pete is beyond awesome for being willing to go anywhere near our poop to get things flowing smoothly. Even though a small share of it’s mine, I just gag. Before having to run for a bucket. I don’t do so well with snot or vomit either, but I’ll take them any day over our blocked underground poop canals.week 45 29I think Joe inherited my gag genes.

week 45 30This is the boys ‘responsibly’ disposing of a tabacco tree. Their reason for burning it: so seeds don’t fall to the ground and germinate if they were to put it in the compost. Yeah, right. week 45 32week 45 35week 45 34Notice in the background – even our animals are crazy! Must be the tobacco.

week 45 36Along with our sewerage issues are little water issues. It’s going to take a long time to rinse out Petes cup!

week 45 38 Attempt number 1 to dye Joes hair blue. Fail.

week 45 42Saying goodbye to sweet friends whose visit was far too short but oh so lovely.

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