Saturday, October 31, 2009

Uganda Update

For those that wanted to be kept in the ‘loop’ here’s where we’re at. We’re getting our house ready to put on the market – aiming to have it on by beginning of December but don’t know if that’s a bit ambitious – still lots to do! When it sells, we’ll buy a smaller place that we can live in til we go, then rent out. It’ll be strange living in suburbia again but maybe good practice?! If you know someone thinking about buying semi-rural, we know just the place for them!

We’re looking into various ministries operating in Uganda to see where we best fit, and praying God will open and close doors of opportunity. Of course, we can’t wait to get there and start loving on the Ugandan people, but we know that this time of preparation will be crucial in helping us go the distance. We’re starting to make connections both here and in Uganda that we know will be a huge blessing to us.

We’re trying to prepare as much as possible for life in a culture that will be so different to the one we know. We’re learning as much as we can about the country and the people, and regularly clean the library out of books & dvds on East Africa! We’ve got recipes to try, people to talk to, skirts to get used to (for me that is!), some basic Lugandan and Swahili to practice, customs and ettique to learn – and that’s just the start!

Along the way, God keeps breaking our hearts all over again for what breaks His, and opening our eyes to a world in so much need of Jesus and all that His name encompasses.

Our kids are both excited and apprehensive – in their own ways, they’ve really been counting the cost of going, and have been coming to terms with some of what they’ll be giving up or missing out on. At the same time, God is soooo crazy good, and I just love that we can see that God has been speaking to, and wooing each one, and I just love their hearts to serve Him by serving the ‘least of these’. So if you ask their thoughts on the adventure, don’t be surprised if one day there response will be “Nah, don’t want to” and the next day keen as mustard. Like us, there are days we all think it’d just be easier to stay home where it’s comfortable and easy!

We're loving the hearts of our friends who offer to partner with us through support, encouragement and prayer even though you might think we’re crazy! We know that not everyone’s called to move their family to another continent to care for the orphans, widows and the poor. We love how God designed for some of us to be senders, goers, prayers, resourcers etc… how the whole body of Christ is designed to work together! Throughout scripture God pleads on behalf of the orphan. He doesn't say, "if it’s your thing – care for the orphans and widows", or "if it doesn’t inconvenience you". He just expects us to do it – but for every one that cost is different. The key is, finding out in which way God wants you to care for the least of these and then doing it. Simple huh?! A Christian life that costs nothings, means just that.

c'mon I know you're thinkin about it, don't you smile now!

No hiding, just do it!
So that’s where we’re at! Of course, we’ve still got all the everyday life bits happening too; our He cat–She cat unexpectedly having kittens, homeschooling, running a business, family, friends, bathrooms to clean, kids to cuddle, messes to clean up – Love it!!!

1 comment:

Ruth said...

all the best with your plans Danielle and Pete!

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