Looking for ways to earn money to save for a milking goat, every weekend Charlotte does all the dishes. Without complaining. She’s my hero. And she says she’ll make me feta cheese when she gets her goat, making her my double hero!
Not a drop of water in the house for five days. Makes me realise just how much we rely on water for so much. Thankful for the rusty old rainwater tank, that despite the tadpoles and funny coloured water at least we could use it for cleaning.
Doing schoolwork at night so you can go into the city with dad the next day isn’t so easy when the electricity’s against you!
“Don’t worry Joe – I’m a nurse”, she says with a wicked grin and her eversharp knife – “how hard can it be to cut a cast off?”
”See – I’m not even cutting you – think of all the money we’re saving!”
”Ok, you can move in with the pliers now Dr Drew…”
I’m so sorry you can’t smell through the screen – it really was something to behold. And we found the lost chip.
Again, thankful for the water tank so Joe could soak his stinky arm in some stinky water!
Why was I not surprised to find Drew outside making clay balls for his slingshot when he should’ve been doing schoolwork?
Enlisting the
free labour help of the kids friends to paint Imuka’s childcare rooms. We did feed them, so I’m sure that made it all worthwhile……and they got to ‘decorate’ each other before I told them we only had that skanky water tank for clean up!
Clean up time… no-one got sick so that was a relief!
Thanks guys! You’re awesome!
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