Saturday, November 06, 2010

Back from our future

OK – so we’ve been back nearly 4 weeks. We knew when we came back we were going to be busy if we’re to make it back in January. Busy we can do. God sooo blew us away by the way he over and over confirmed to us that he wants our family in Uganda through ways we never dreamed possible. Little did we know that we would need to hold onto those confirmations when we got back home to face both the enormity of what lies ahead of us and to come against doubt on days it looks like it’s just not gonna happen.
I’m gonna be honest here when I say this trusting God thing can be downright hard work! Easy to do when things go the way you plan or think they should. Not so easy when they don’t! Easy when you have a regular paycheck. Not so easy when you literally have to pray each day for your daily bread. Easy to step out of the boat when it’s on the shore. Not so easy stepping out of the boat onto the water. Being the listmaker type that I am, I’m having to constantly remind myself that God can move whatever way he likes – I don’t have to have it all planned out. I don’t have to have all the answers. In fact, it’s way more exciting watching God move than me figuring things out anyway! It’s trying to find that balance between sitting back and letting God do his thing, yet making sure I’m doing the bits he wants me to be doing without trying to take over!

So, life is full – but I love it! Plenty to be done, yet taking time to smell the roses before we head back to our future.

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